For those studets who experience difficulty in taking notes or those who cannot take notes during the courses because of their disabilities, note-taker service is provided by means of student assistantship. Students either can find their own note taker (e.g. a friend who is taking the same class or have took it before) or DSO will make announcements in order to provide a note-taker student assistant. Responsibilities of the student assistant are:

  • Attending lectures regularly and taking notes.
  • Copying notes for the student that they will assist.
  • Conveying notes to the student at the agreed date, hour, place and format ( hand writing, hard copy or electronic copy).
  • Respecting the privacy of student that they will assist and not sharing information regarding their identity and disability condition of the student.
  • Informing the student and Disability Support Office urgently, in the case of missing a lecture due to health or personal problems.
  • Inform Disability Support Office and student that you are assisting urgently, in the case of any changes regarding contact information.